Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Bangla Ministries Worldwide
…making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ among the Bengalis
Why Bangladesh?
90% have never heard the good news of the gospel, making it the largest unreached people group on the whole Earth. Through a growing network of small group Bible studies, we are making reproducing disciples of Jesus.
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Prayer is the foundation of every ministry and a way everyone can contribute. Sign up for prayer updates and join one of our Prayer Force groups.
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Upcoming Events
7:00 PM Prayer Force meeting in person at Immanuel Church, 325 104th Ave., Holland MI 49423, in The View (room by the gym). Here is the Zoom link:
8:00 AM through lunch BMW Charity Golf Classic at Pilgrim's Run Golf Club in Pierson, MI. Register at:
BMW Board meeting at 5:30 PM at City On A Hill, Zeeland
10:30 AM Prayer Force meeting in person at 2353 Deer Trail Dr. NE, GR, 49505. By Zoom 2159 0262
GR South Prayer Force meeting 2:30 PM. Come in person to the Fellowship Room, Seymour CRC, 840 Alger St SE, Grand Rapids MI 49507 or by Zoom.
BMW Board meeting at 5:30 PM at City On A Hill, Zeeland
BMW Board meeting at 5:30 PM at City On A Hill, Zeeland
BMW fundraising dinner 6:00 PM at The Pinnacle Center, Hudsonville.
BMW board annual meeting. Friday night dessert through mid afternoon on Saturday. Location to be announced