2023 BMW Shareholders’ Dinner

Register by clicking on the link:    REGISTER HERE

You have a share in the ministry through your prayers and through your giving. We long to join in face-to-face fellowship with you. This is a chance for you to express support and fellowship in the work and a chance for us to say “Thank You!” to our donors.

It is also a chance to bring friends and family along to hear more about the great things God is doing for us.  So, feel free to invite others! We will receive an offering (we are seeking to raise $10,000) but that part will be low-key. The main objectives are fellowship and keeping our BMW family updated.


Saturday, December 2, 2023 6 PM

Immanuel Church, 325 104th St., Holland, MI 49423

Menu:  5-cheese lasagna, buttered garlic toast, steamed green beans, fresh garden salad, carrot cake muffins with cream cheese frosting

Program:  New Heights for the Kingdom

No charge for the dinner   

An offering will be received for the ministry.

Come hungry for a delicious meal AND for the kingdom of God.

Register by clicking on the link:    REGISTER HERE